Many enslaved African-Americans were constantly rebelling their owners. In this scenery, an enslaved woman is standing up in defiance for her rights against the owners' wife. Also, the illustrations show while the enslaved woman is required to look after the European child, her own children are neglected the necessary nurturing needed for her own children.
Historically, majority of American people knows about the incredible journeys of the UndergroundRailroad and bravery of Harriet Tubman, where she helped fugitive enslaved African-Americans escape from the harsh reality of slavery in the Southern states to freedom in the Northern states. However, little is known about the Underground Railroad that took place in Florida. Instead of escaping to the North, enslave African-American escaped to Caribbean islands where freedom bound. Therefore, these illustrations were commission by historian Dr. Larry E. Rivers (former president of Fort Valley State University). The title of the book is "Rebels and Runaways: Slave Resistance in 19th-Cenatury Florida." This illustration depicts enslaved Africans escaping and fighing back in an open field.
After a long harsh journey, this illustration depicts our ancestors desperately trying to get on the sailing ship that's heading toward one of the freedom islands, as they are being chased by slave catchers.
This illustration depicts an escape enslaved African-American being hidden by a sailor who is risking his own life save this brother.